Iwan Jones (Community Warden) and Arron Parry (Site Warden) have been busy! Back in the Autumn they worked with a group of young people from Porthi Dre, Caernarfon on a community project called ‘Op Bang’.
In the run up to Halloween and Bonfire Night 2023, North Wales Police and North Wales Fire and Rescue joined forces to launch a competition for young people across north Wales. They have recently announced a list of winners and Porthi Dre have won second place!
‘Second place went to Porthi Dre community group in Caernarfon who won £500. This group designed and printed posters for Trick or Treat. They then visited lots of homes in the area to offer their posters and to provide positive interaction from the young people with their community.’
These photos are fantastic – well done to all involved!
For more information, click here.