We’re experiencing a very cold spell this week, are you ready for the cold weather?
It is essential to keep warm in winter and there are some simple things you can do to keep warm and stay healthy.
During the day
- Set your thermostat ideally at around 21°C and heat all the rooms you use in the day
- If you cannot heat all your rooms, make sure you keep your living room warm throughout the day and heat your bedroom before going to bed
- Set the timer on your heating to come on before you get up and switch off when you go to bed
- In very cold weather, rather than turn the thermostat up, set the heating to come on earlier so you won’t be cold while you wait for your home to heat up
During the night
- Try to keep a temperature of above 18°C in your bedroom overnight
- If you use a heater in your bedroom during winter, open the window or door a little at night for ventilation
- An electric blanket or a hot water bottle will help you keep warm but never use them together as you could electrocute yourself
- If you have an electric blanket, check what type it is – some are designed only to warm the bed before you get in and should not be used throughout the night. If you use an electric blanket, make sure it is safe to use by getting it tested every two years.
Dress well
- Put on a coat, hat, scarf, gloves and warm shoes or boots when you go outside
- Wear clothes made of wool, cotton or fleecy synthetic fibres
- Stay warm in bed with bed socks, thermal underwear and a nightcap
- The simplest thing that can be done to warm up is to put on a hat
Reduce your energy bills
- Shut outside doors and close curtains at night
- Boil only the water you need rather than filling the kettle completely
- Let food cool to room temperature before you put it in the fridge or freezer
- Don’t leave appliances like televisions on stand-by mode as they still use electricity
If your heating system is broken please get in touch
- 0300 123 8084
- enquiries@adra.co.uk