We have already introduced some of our Community Stars winners and we are pleased to announce that there are more winners.
It’s great to see our communities come together in this very difficult year.
Paul Sweeny
Right at the beginning of the lockdown, Mr Sweeny from Barmouth provided all the other residents at the supported housing unit where he lives with his phone number advising them to contact him if they needed help.
He has helped with shopping for the residents who were shielding, collected prescriptions and even helped with dog walking.
Although he went into hospital for treatment during the year, he continued to support others.
He continues to be a huge help to the other residents, some of whom would really have struggled without his support and his cheerful and positive demeanour at the site has helped to keep everyone going during a very difficult time.
Dawn Lynne-Jones
Dawn has been leading and taken part in numerous volunteering activities over the past 12 months which have benefitted hundreds of people in Caernarfon during the pandemic.
Some of the projects and activities that Dawn has been involved include providing a shopping and prescription pick up service to 150 vulnerable residents, a surprise afternoon tea for 200 shielding individuals and also a project which provides games/activities/treats to young and elderly people in her community – helping to combat loneliness and improving wellbeing.
Dawn has also been involved in the local Fareshare Project – distributing surplus food to those in need and also a clothes recycling project.
Brianna Owen
Brianna, 11, has been extremely busy over the last year helping others in her community and beyond.
During the lockdown, Brianna created scrub bags and masks for NHS employees, carers and the police.
Also during the year she has delivered toiletries to elderly homes in Caernarfon, created care packages for families arriving in hospital urgently, sent care packages for overseas troops as well as supporting various charities. She also volunteered to clean Llanbeblig cemetery in the town.
Brianna has also worked closely with the Lee Rigby Foundation distributing Easter eggs and care packages to the hospitals. Thank you very much for your contribution Brianna.
And that’s it for now.
Remember that special people within your communities can still be nominated for an award through our website.