It’s National Adults Safeguarding Week this week 15 – 21 November and we’re taking the opportunity to take part in the week to raise awareness. It’s a chance to remind ourselves and our customers of what to keep a look out for if abuse or neglect takes place and what to do if you see the signs.
What is Safeguarding?
Safeguarding means protecting a person’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. Safeguarding applies to children, young people and adults. Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility and you need to be able to recognise the signs and dangers, so you can report any concerns or suspicions you may have.
The signs could include;
Possible indicators could include;
Physical abuse – scratches, bruises, burns and scalds.
Sexual abuse– signs of withdrawal, difficulty in walking or sitting or a change in usual behaviour.
Emotional or psychological sufferers – may show high levels of stress or anxiety, self-harm, signs of depression or crave affection.
Financial or economic abuse – this may include controlling how and when money is spent on food and other essential items, controlling the use of their mobile phone, etc.
Victims of neglect – deterioration of health, rashes, sores, unsuitable clothing or untreated medical condition.
Call the Emergency Services, 999, if a person is immediate danger
Phone the Call Centre on 0300 123 8084 as soon as possible to report your concern or suspicion
If out of hours (between 5pm- 9am) contact the relevant Local Authority’s Social Services:
➢ Gwynedd Council: 01248 353 551
➢ Denbighshire Council: 0345 053 3116
➢ Conwy Council: 01492 515777
➢ Wrexham Council: 0345 053 3116
➢ Flintshire Council: Contact the Police on 101