What is the Renting Homes Act Wales?
- In 2016, the Senedd passed the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 with the aim of making it simpler and easier for landlords and tenants to rent a home in Wales.
- It introduces many changes to tenancy laws and will apply to both social and private rented sectors.
When will it happen?
- This will happen from 15t July 2022 onwards.
What’s the purpose of the Renting Home Act?
- Simplifies agreements and improves the condition of rental homes in Wales
- Offers greater security and certainty to tenants and landlords
Who does it affect?
- All Landlords – private and social
- All Tenants – private and social
Why is it happening?
- To make it simpler and easier for landlords and tenants to rent a home in Wales.
What is changing?
- New terminology will be used e.g. Tenancy agreement will be know as an Occupation Contract and Tenant as Contract Holder
- Tenancy Agreements will be replaced by Occupation Contracts
- Increase security – 6 months’ notice will need to be given as long as the contract is not breached.
- All properties must be safe – such as working smoke alarms and electrical safety testing.
- A fair and consistent approach to anti-social behaviour.
- Increase Succession rights to pass on your home.
- Contract Holder can be added or removed without the need to end the contract.
- Landlords will be able to repossess Abandoned properties without a court order
What does it mean for me as a tenant?
- Simplify and improve your rights as a tenant.
- Improve how landlords manage rented homes in Wales
How will it affect me?
- Existing tenants will receive a contract within 6 months of the 15th of July replacing your Tenancy Agreement.
- New tenants after the 15th of July will sign the new contract in the usual way and will receive a copy within 14 days.
- Contracts offer you a greater security and certainty.
Is it going to cost me money or have an effect on my rent?
- No, this has no effect on your rent or cost you any money.
What do I need to do? / Is there anything I need to do?
- The only thing you will need to do is read your contract and familiarise yourself with your rights and responsibilities.